Gps Coordinates / 33.2064009,-87.5505638
Contrails Over 2008 Mystery VR University Of Alabama
24 Paul W Bryant Dr, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, USA
Chemtrail conspiracy theories began to circulate after the United States Air Force (USAF) published a 1996 report about weather modification. Where'as other countries will indeed confess and brag that they do indeed manipulate weather systems to create atmospheric changes.
"The chemtrail conspiracy theory is the erroneous belief that long-lasting condensation trails left in the sky by high-flying aircraft are actually "chemtrails" consisting of chemical or biological agents, sprayed for nefarious purposes undisclosed to the general public." - wikipedia
Everyone must understand that i must post the offical consensus or be struck down by overlord bot approvers.
Gps Coordinates / 33.2064134,-87.5508918
Many claim these trails to be a Conspiracy theory that the government are experimenting on them, many claim these to be a mystery of the non-explained and many just document them as natural symmetry from a byproduct of engine vapor that creates the illussion of design as natural symmetry can indeed look purposely designed like painting butterflys in kindergarten by mushing two pages of paint together as a common childhood memory.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -87.5507835 / Gps Link -87.5506732 / Gps Link -87.5504353
Gps Coordinates / 33.206408,-87.5507835 / 33.2064041,-87.5506732 / 33.2063971,-87.5504353
Either way these contrails that you can see aboe the University of Alabama in 2008 you can see here is a perfect example of what create hot debates amongst many.
If i do not post the overlords approved explanation then none of this can get publicized to the masses.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -87.5503285 / Gps Link -87.5502194 / Gps Link -87.5501596
Gps Coordinates / 33.206394,-87.5503285 / 33.2063863,-87.5502194 / 33.2063827,-87.5501596
These vapor clouds above the Univesity of Albama during 2008 do indeed blanket the sky for as far as the eye can see.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -87.550045 / Gps Link -87.5499282 / Gps Link -87.5497527
Gps Coordinates / 33.2063822,-87.550045 / 33.2063754,-87.5499282 / 33.2063683,-87.5497527
The Google Street View Car in 2008 never left the greatest quality of images however they did create an amazing documentation of our skies in Feb 2008
If we do not post these articles in ze Corporate flattering way we get struck and nobody see's anything.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -87.549652 / Gps Link -87.5495478 / Gps Link -87.5494332
Gps Coordinates / 33.2063648,-87.549652 / 33.2063607,-87.5495478 / 33.2063561,-87.5494332
As you continue away from the university over to the traffic lights district of roads there's an entirely other district of vapor clouds hovering above you with it's own alien esque symmetry above.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -87.5493246 / Gps Link -87.5493046
Gps Coordinates / 33.2063503,-87.5493246 / 33.2063492,-87.5493046
I'm a fan of art like most people and get this canvas feeling about the blues and the whites blending above with almost a bump texture as i stare i feel like i'm missing something as i would watching a painting which is what makes me like art of the feeling of not fully understanding the artists impression and overall go away still considering if i understand what i'm looking at. Chemtrail folk see what i'm saying on another level, however i'm not saying that but like art you must explore all avenues with art or forever feel limited in your ability to explore others ideas of how art makes them feel to feel similar empathy.
Gps Coordinates / 33.2063492,-87.5493046
Discussion of Big-Foot doesn't bother people but when you discuss subjects such as Contrails over The University of Albama on Feb 2008 it can lead to a volley of complaints for even trying to document this subject that people generally discuss in the media, due to the sensitivity of complainers we try and make clear we do not endorse any opinions on subjects we meerly document them as we would Big-Foot or the Lochness Monster which can also be found on if you use our search so keep your complaints to a minimum because we take just as serious with complaints about Chemtrails as we do Lochness.