Gps Coordinates / 40.7713665,-73.9665509
Sept 2015 streetview date - if gps moves type gps in search
Epstein Maxwell Home Scandal News Directions
29-1 E 71st St, New York, NY 10021, USA
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The 360 images (360s) of epstein sitting across the road from his home was discovered by our friends at they were the first to report about Epstein sitting directly across from his Epstein home address pictured below
Gps Coordinates / 40.7713761,-73.9665689
Jeffrey Epsteins 4 floored apartment building in downtown New York with gothic sculpture artwork center of a satan devil looking head artwork above the doors with two women faces at either side of the building with three advanced looking cameras at the time before 2006 maps installed still looking modern surveillance by todays standards.
Could this be Jeffery Epstein outside with his Chauffeur, on Sept 2015, JE liked to dress casual with jeans and boots
Link Gps Location Gps / Link Gps -73.9664467 / Link Gps -73.9667528 / Link Gps -73.9668566
Gps Coordinates / 40.7713217,-73.9664467 / 40.7714529,-73.9667528 / 40.7714958,-73.9668566
You'll notice on the doorway by the letterbox on the wall JE letters for Jeffrey Epstein. We noticed a very familiar similar looking gentlman sitting directly oposite of JE's house with strikingly similar resemblence. There are picture of JE showing he likes to dress down similar to how Bill Gates dresses down, they all seem to choose that blazer look.
May 2014 Streetview date
Perhaps on an exploitative audition they're unaware of from the towering JE "House Of Depravity" windows opposite
Link Gps Location Gps / Link Gps -73.9664571 / Link Gps -73.9664573 / Link Gps -73.9667734
type gps into search if date moves
Gps Coordinates / 40.7713262,-73.9664571 / 40.7713264,-73.9664573 / 40.7714598,-73.9667734
I could imagine these girls being sent by JE's agency for him to lure at from his windows directly oposite for approval, if i had to guess i reckon it would be the phographer JE was most interested in. I bet this is the usual place for unsuspecting new hires into Epsteins lair. If anyone could get a hold of this photographer in NewYork to find out if this girl is okay i'd be grateful to find out she's okay
It appears JE has a driver he's waiting for oposite his home of 9 E 71st St
Visit Maxwell Home at the directions below, Maxwells home was where this all unravelled with the court of public opinion
Maxwells home was in the near proximity of Buckingham Palace, it was a very interesting virtual tour so be sure to check it out also at below
Visit Ghislaine Maxwells Home in London here
The Mail inside Epsteins house of depravity
Epstein location with Prince Andrew evidence link address here