Park Reserve Nicaragua
Walk around the Nicaraguan National Park Reserve complete with it's own Shaman that attracts tourists to the park to go see him which i can only imagine spreads enlightenment or entertainment by being a little cooky
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -84.19287 / Gps Link -85.2594966 / Gps Link -85.3493976
Gps Coordinates / 14.4785219,-84.19287 / 14.249452,-85.2594966 / 14.1862779,-85.3493976
Today, the options for nature tourism and rural tourism connect the reserve with local and foreign tourists who come to visit. Some of its most famous visitors have experienced overcrowded from years ago, especially in the holiday season of Nicaragua. But the offer is diversifying and increasingly organized. Birdwatching, hiking, abseiling and community activities are prominent interactions.