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Navaho Twin Rocks, Twin Rocks Trading Post Historic Protected Area

Twin Rocks Trading Post VR Map Places

Link Location Gps  ← Find Best directions

 Gps Coordinates  /  37.2870457,-109.5464158


Twin Rocks Trading Post VR Map Places

913 Navajo Twins Dr, Bluff, UT 84512, United States




The trading post is well known for Navajo basket and rug weaving, including those designed by artist Damian Jim.



Twin Rocks Trading Post VR Map Places 1

Link Location Gps -109.546199

Gps Coordinates  /  37.2862293,-109.546199

Twin Rocks Trading Post is located beneath the Navajo Twins geologic formation in the historic pioneer town of Bluff, Utah.




Twin Rocks Trading Post VR Map Places tmb1Twin Rocks Trading Post VR Map Places tmb2Twin Rocks Trading Post VR Map Places tmb3

 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link -109.5472578  /  Gps Link -109.5479279  /  Gps Link -109.5481324

Gps Coordinates  /  37.28689,-109.5472578  /  37.2881584,-109.5479279  /  37.2880517,-109.5481324



Situated beneath towering twin sandstone pillars that are symbolic of the Hero Twins of the Navajo, the Twin Rocks Trading Post, where the specialty of the house is fine Navajo art.


In the trading post, they conduct lively discussions about contemporary American Indian art, publish books and weekly mailings which deepen your knowledge of Southwestern art forms, and present Four Corners regional culture, landscape, and creative endeavors on their leading-edge website.



Twin Rocks Trading Post VR Map Places 2

Link Location Gps -109.5465897


Gps Coordinates  /  37.2865839,-109.5465897


Founded in 1989, Twin Rocks Trading Post has become one of the most influential art galleries in the Southwest. Internationally known for working closely with local Native American artists to inspire new techniques and design motifs, when it comes to Southwest art, Twin Rocks Trading Post is quite literally at the intersection of tradition and innovation. The gallery specializes in Navajo basketry, the Twin Rocks Modern style of rug weaving, and gem-quality turquoise.





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